Pray Away Getaway

A new Musical

Book and music by Jon Burr

This musical has been selected as a Finalist in the 2024 International Theater Competition !


“Sammy,” a post-pubescent boy, became smitten by Musical Theater following a trip to NYC with his parents, where they ended up seeing “Kinky Boots.” Back home in Dixville, Tennessee, Sammy is becoming aware he has growing feelings for men and boys, not like his platonic feelings for his best friends, who are mostly girls. His sense of guilt and dread grows as the feelings strengthen, realizing that homosexuality is not accepted in much of his rural small-town community, or his family’s church, or his peers. He  hears his straight friends, parents and neighbors talking disparagingly about gay people, and is full of anxiety about his situation, which is becoming more painfully obvious to him with each passing day. Boys in school are starting to notice his mannerisms, and beginning to bully him.

His parents (Brent and Peggy) begin to suspect his situation – although he tries to conceal it, his mannerisms, mode of dress, and intense interest in Musical Theater lead them to suspect his situation, and they resolve to solve it by sending him away to a Conversion Therapy camp.

At first he tries to remain open, but his sense of alienation from the therapists is profound, and he feels completely un-seen and un-heard, as if he’s forced to deny his very being.

They confiscated his phone – or what they thought was his phone – but he kept a hidden spare “burner” phone for emergency use, and used it to text with his best friend Charlise.

At first he was willing to try to listen and see if there was some “cure,” not wanting to become alienated from his family and community – but the longer he stayed, the more urgently he wanted to escape. Scenes at the camp included shaming, emotional abuse, punishment, confinement, isolation, and psychological torture.

He meets fellow youngsters with the same orientation, and for the first time starts to feel like he’s not alone. The “residents” converse among each other, offering surreptitious support, along with a sense that there’s a larger world out there, and communities of kindred spirits. One new friend at the camp (Chloe) even knows somebody (Jason) who went to New York to get away, and had found a job and a place to live.

Meanwhile, the head of the camp (Reverend Crowe), a local minister and town selectman, is caught soliciting sex in a men’s room in a rest area of the interstate that passes through their county, arrested in the next town and held overnight in jail, to much scandal in the community. The chaos of the event affords Sammy enough cover to make his exit from the camp in possession of a few hundred dollars and a bus ticket given to him by Charlise when during her visit to the camp. 

He escaped from the camp, hitchhiked to the bus station in the county center, and got on a bus to New York. He got in touch with Chloe’s friend Jason, who offered him a floor to crash on while he looked for a job. He finds a place in the gay community, getting a job in a gay bar/cabaret, starts reading BackStage, and is soon making auditions. He finally gets a part, and sings the closing number to end the show.


We’re raising funds to hire singers to perform the demo tracks, which are currently AI voices.

The Songs

The recordings on this page are of piano/vocal versions of some of the songs, with the voices generated with an AI vocal generator app. The titles are linked to a page that opens in another tab with the lyric, which might help (the AI vocals can be hard to understand). One thing we’d like to do is record actual singers singing these ! And another is to do the orchestrations…

01 Everybody Needs a Dream

02 I’m Starting to Feel

03 How Could You?

04 They’ll Fix You Right Up

05 They Know Im Fucking Gay

06 I’ve Got Your Back!

07 We’ll Fix You Right Up

08 Original Sin

09 You’ve Got To Be Who You Are

10 Don’t Tell Me Who I Am

11 How Could They Be So Wrong

12 -Entracte-

13 Thats What They Call Hypocrisy

14 Ive Got Your Back! (reprise)

15 The Longest Wait

16 Maybe It Wasn’t Love After All

17 Welcome to New York

18 It’s All About The Work

19 I Should Have Believed in You

20 I Knew I Could Do It


Composer/Author Jon Burr has been thinking about this story for a few years, and is finally realizing his own dream of realizing it by writing a musical theater work, including the book, lyrics, and music.

This work has been neither published nor produced yet. If you’re interested in it for your theater, please get in touch and we’ll make sure you get what you need to mount it.

The Script

We’re happy to provide the complete script on request !
Please use the contact form to get in touch with us!

